Thursday, February 17, 2011

Easy Peasy Gift Ideas

So V-Day has come and gone but tweak or tuck these gift ideas for a rainy day, an "every day, I love you" gift, or next year.

Peanut Butter Cream Cheese Brownies
I made these for Nick for Valentine's Day.  I cut them into small-ish (holy moly are they rich!) sizes, wrapped them in saran wrap and tied a red ribbon around them.  I took brown paper lunch bags (five of them) and stamped random love sayings on them.  For example, "Chocolate spells love in any language."  He shared them with me so it was as much for me as it was for him. 

FYI, heavy whipping cream is the same as heavy cream....I think.  At least, I used heavy whipping cream and they turned out spectacular. 

Conversation Blocks
I can attest to the simplicity of this craft.  Momma Michelle and I, in the midst of three other crafts, made these.  We would paint, switch crafts while paint dries and then go back later.  Each craft had it's own room.

Portable Tea Party
For little ones with a love imagination, making accessories for their tea party would be a frugal, imaginative way to show you care.