So in the last few weeks of school...a check list is a necessity. This year I have switched from my much loved planner to Google Calendar. I've been slacking on filling out my planner over the last month or so. In reality, I'm probably focusing on what needs to be done during the specific week and not much else. Although I haven't been filling out my planner religiously like I normally do, I have been getting stuff done. But it scares not to have things written one day during a boring lecture in my law class I wrote a much needed check list (I never do other work in class. I am still ashamed that I did this.).
Here's a few of the items I found crucial:
Law and Politics
(15 page) Research Paper Draft
Review Essay #2
Review Essay #3
Revise Research Paper
Final-Take home (essay)
Field Experience #3 paper work
Unit Plan!!! (Big Deal)
Soviet Russia
"Fire" Quiz
Final-take home (essay) (Big, big deal)
Chinese History
Research Paper-Women in Communist China
Final Test
Ed. Class
Third Test
Read book 1
Read book 2
Final Exam
Being able to scratch things off my list is such a big relief! The physical act of the check is a catharsis to my overwhelmed self. As I was writing this I was thinking about check lists for the wedding. Of course I will use them like crazy!
The Knot has a check list that is rather intimidating and I find generic and a form of the Wedding Industrial Complex telling me what kind of wedding I should have.
Here's a few things from their list:
Engagement photos (yeah right...) Here's our engagement picture. Taken with my camera...self timer baby!
Choose Bridesmaids' dresses, accessories, and shoes. Well, they are grownups and can pick out their own clothes. Originally I told them they needed black dresses (of their choosing) but now I'm open to whatever they feel comfortable in.
Send out rehearsal dinner invites...puhlease!
#1-no rehearsal dinner. Intimate breakfast on the day of for our wedding party.
#2- Invites? How about a phone call?
Ok so I've totally bashed The Knot which is very nice of me. So here's a few of the items on their check list which are actually important things
Head start on thank yous! (I will need to do this. I hate thank you cards...and need motivation)
On the day of -"Relax, smile, and enjoy the day!"
Start paperwork on insurance!
So The Knot isn't completely worthless but I will probably stick with my own check list! Here are a few of my favorite (or most looking forward to) tasks.
Try making vegan cheesecake (with K. Hull!)
Plant Tulips this fall for centerpieces
Continue making felt flowers for bouquets and boutonnieres.
Make banners for Popcorn, photo and food stations