Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hey Ya!...Weddin' tunes

Now, I can't pretend to have any clue about music.  Nick is the music expert in our relationship.  I have already told him he is completely in charge of all playlists.  He is for sure a music elitist!  He knows just about everything about indie music.  He plays guitar and is a wonderful singer.

Nick singing for a friend's wedding.

But I do have an opinion about something and I told him the other day that I knew what song I wanted and he had no say in it!  I am a Scrubs fanatic!!  Love me some scrub a dub!  And I want to walk down the aisle to Ted's version of "Hey Ya" by OutKast

1 comment:

AnonymousClearLaker said...

If you like "Hey ya", you might consider Obadiah Parker's version for your wedding:

Best wishes ;)