Friday, March 12, 2010

Living with Lupus....Vacation

Since Nick is coming home on a short notice vacation...I am getting the chance to spend a week with my honey on an Iowa vacation!  Last year Nick came home for a spring vacation and the day after he left I went into a flare that lasted a couple months.  The last half of my semester is full of "must do"s and I really don't have time to get sick.

We have a full week planned....the other night I made a schedule and we are full of friends, family and driving across Iowa. 

When it comes to vacations, I'm not good at balance.  Seriously who is though???  I have to make sure I get enough sleep, don't drink too much and eat right.  All of this might sound simple but life is crazy....especially on vacation.  These are the times when I try to forget I have Lupus and be a normal twenty something.  

Hopefully my impromptu vacation will be fruitful and flare-free!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Deserves an "eek"

So I should be studying...for midterms but I have to share this wonderful news.

Nick has his masters in forensic medicine...I say yuck! but whatever.  He doesn't really want to do anything with that degree which is cool with me.  Don't do it if you don't love it!  So he applied to medical school.  At last count, it was five ranging from Maine to Kansas.  I told him I would follow him wherever he ended up.  Very Scarlett O'Hara of me, I know but we've spent almost two years in a long distance relationship and I'm sick of it!  So I have researched teaching requirements in all five states.

The school he really wanted is in Des Moines.  He has a sister and brother who are/have been in med school there so he knows the ropes.  We were starting to lose hope because he hadn't gotten an interview from anyone...until today.

Des Moines wants an interview next week.  So he will be coming home last minute during my spring break...oh so perfect timing...and I will get to see my fiance!  We have both been super stressed recently with the wedding, money and school that we really needed this pick-me-up. 

Friday, March 5, 2010

Using Local Vendors

It feels like this blog has turned into a wedding bad.  It seems as though the wedding has dominated my free time just with brainstorming ideas...wonderful ideas like in lieu of flower petals, the flower girls hand out candy to the guests.  Once I started planning our "big" wedding, I decided I wanted to use as many local vendors as I could.  There are a lot of reasons for this.  I want to support small business in my area and basically it's a silent protest against corporate weddings (Wedding Industrial Complex).

1. I bought my wedding dress at a small locally owned bridal store.  The owner is an alumnus of the college I'm currently attending. She didn't give me a blank stare when I said I wanted a bridesmaid dress as a wedding dress (even though I didn't get a bridesmaid dress).   I decided to go there because she has a family picture on the store's website and I thought that was cute. :)

2. The invites...I am a little disappointed in myself for this.  We are (most likely) ordering them from an online company.  This is a money saving thing.  I hope to look around locally and see if any companies can match the price.

3.  Linens (table cloths)!  Goodness!  The price of these can add up quickly!  Thankfully I can pick my sister's brain...she got married almost three years ago.  We will go with a local dry cleaning company who has a decent price for the table cloths.

4. Food is another sore spot for me.  The best price we can get is from Hyvee...which although a chain grocery store, it is an Iowa company and is "employee owned" but I might just be grasping at straws. 

5. Alcohol....oh lovely alcohol.  First of all, I have no idea how much will be needed.  My sister had 7 kegs at her wedding and they went through all of them!  They will probably also come from Hyvee (liquor store).  Nick and I like wine. be exact.  If money weren't an issue, I would get wine from Eagles Landing Winery.  It's an Iowa winery that has some delicious wines!

6. I am most proud of our venue!  It is a county park so my money is going to support my local park system.  Plus the building is simply gorgeous!

So my local wedding has hit a few road bumps but I have the best of intentions!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wedding Tradition

Wedding em or hate em, they are there!  But as a history chick, I have to explain some of the traditions.  Do you have any traditions you love...or despise?  Let me hear them!

White Dress-
Blame that on Queen Victoria and her middle class values!

Roman Brides hid from evil Spirits

Wedding Cake-
If you ask me, it's an excuse for cake but there is meaning behind it!
Bride cuts it ensure the couple will have children.
Don't want kids?  Don't let your missus cut the cake!

Lasts till you are preggo!

Engagement ring on forth finger?
It contains your love vein.  Awww sweet!

Rain?  Good or bad?
The jury is still out...I'm going with good luck because some marriages need a little rainy luck!

Are you a crafty lady making your own dress?
I say more kudos to you!  I am jealous of your ambition and talent....but according to legend, every stitch you sew on your wedding dress is one tear during your marriage.  Hopefully your dress and marriage will be seamless.

BK the DJ
Your Wedding 101