Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lupie Days

Today (and yesterday) have been bad Lupus days.  I ended up staying home from school yesterday and came home early today.  Thankfully, I have understanding professors (one has fibromyalgia).  It always takes me forever to decide if staying home will bite me in the ass later.  I'm hoping that this isn't the start of a flare.

On the Daily Show last night, there was an author who Bright-Sided who basically said that having a positive attitude doesn't help.  She was diagnosed with breast cancer and was disgusted by people who, in the words of Dr. Cox from Scrubs, "vomits sunshine".  I have been living with illness for almost six years which is getting dangerously close to a third of my life.  The only way I have gotten through all of it is my positive attitude.  That's not to say I haven't had bad moments where I've had pity parties for myself.  I just don't think that it's going to help by feeling miserable and depressed all the time.

Also on last night, I watched the documentary Crazy Sexy Cancer about a young woman documenting her battle with cancer.  It seems like I watch a lot of tv...doesn't it?  She used a lot of different alternative medicine like macrobiotics.  She said, "I just want to have a normal life."  Oh, honey if it were only that simple.

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